I met Peter last night, a lucky guy who still manage to land a job in banking industrial in this difficulty time. He seen to be worked one tail off these days. He was shouting "FXXKING PHOTOSHOP" when I was few steps aways from his room. Peter a finance and accounting talent obviously knowing nothing about images or photo editing.
Photo editing is not his cup of coffee, after learning more than a month, It is the time to harvest and enjoy a fruity and juicy crops. A deadhead dialog prompt up pruning all Peter's hope to give his girl friend a surprise, by compiling a photo album as birthday present this coming weekend. Oh my god, the 30 days luxury trial period was over :(. what should Peter do now?
Buying a photoshop cs4 license costing about USD750 would not be a best choice, since it cost equivalent to what Peter get per month. Buying or downloading a pirated version also not a good choice, since spy-wares are anywhere and keygen included might be infected. Moreover, Peter's most reliable source "The Pirate Bay" was accused and 4 guys had been sent to jail 2 months ago. This restricts Peter going no where to download from file sharing method.How do peter keep continue using photoshop? Ohh yes, by extending the trial period. This would be the most safety and secure ways.
After searching across three languages and a dozen of websites and blogs. This is what Peter get. In a nutshell, extending Photoshop CS4 free trial can be done by registering a duplicated product serial number and mapping the adobe fault detection engine driver's IPs to your localhost.
The step by step procedure for window OS is shown as follows:
1. You can get photoshop cs4 window version here:
2. After 30 days trial was over, when notification dialog prompts up. Let's your PC or laptop goes offline.
3. Choose the registration a series numbers. Fill in one of these duplicated series numbers into the corresponding column and click Ok.
4. Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\Hosts and open Hosts using notepad. If you are using Vista, the file should be opened as administrator. Fill in the all possible IPs and map them to your localhost ( activate.adobe.com practivate.adobe.com ereg.adobe.com activate.wip3.adobe.com wip3.adobe.com 3dns-3.adobe.com 3dns-2.adobe.com adobe-dns.adobe.com adobe-dns-2.adobe.com adobe-dns-3.adobe.com ereg.wip3.adobe.com activate-sea.adobe.com wwis-dubc1-vip60.adobe.com activate-sjc0.adobe.com
5. Viola! save the file and reconnect your PC or laptop to the internet.
Nice Blog! Am i the first to drop the comment? hehe...
ReplyDeleteYes, Sir. Thanks a lot. :)
ReplyDeletewats ur # can you find me on facebook
ReplyDeleteIT man.
My idol",
how does this work on a mac?
ReplyDeleteJust follow the similar procedures. login as "root", use finder to search "/etc/hosts". then open and add on all IPs domain names with any text editor. Yes, you may use this duplicated SN (1330-0873-3707-7642-1546-6428), if those windows version SN don't work.
ReplyDeleteI cannot seem to find "/etc/hosts" on my Mac, do you know what area it would be in?
DeleteSorry, Anonymous, but he means for Linux.
ReplyDeleteSo this is working for people? Those numbers are still good?
ReplyDeletethank u so much keep doing this nice job
ReplyDeleteit worked! thanks!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if this works for the master collection trial?
ReplyDeleteI tried to enter a serial number and even though I still have a week left, it says my product's expired. This is before I read this blog! Is there any way for me to undo what I did?
ReplyDeletewow - thanks! I just needed to extend till CS5 comes out then I'll buy that - don't want to spend $$$ on CS4 for 1 month then pay for the upgrade cus i need it now...!
ReplyDeleteworked perfect
Does this work for CS5? or just CS4?
ReplyDeleteim using vista n i cant save da file!!
ReplyDeletehow du open files as administrator?
maybe thats what im doing wrong
Does this work for CS5? or just CS4?
ReplyDeleteis it applicable in adobe PS CS5?
ReplyDeletecool thanks a lot :) It works well for CS4
ReplyDeleteAnyone get this to work on a Mac? I can't.
ReplyDeleteit works! :):):):):)
thx the post :)
Hi, well be sensible, well-all described
ReplyDeletecan i use this for illustrator? cs4
ReplyDeleteworks with cs5, google an used serial
ReplyDeleteHow can I get it to work on a mac for cs5?
ReplyDeletecan you do this for dreamweaver??
hi, it wont let me add the stuff into the "host" file. it tells me i do not have permission, even though i am the computer's Administrator
ReplyDeleteDo you have anything for Photoshop and Flash CS6?
ReplyDeleteEnter your comment...
ReplyDeleteEnter your comment...
ReplyDeleteHello, I seem to be having the same problem that Alex Kirwan is having.
ReplyDeleteAnd quote:
"hi, it wont let me add the stuff into the "host" file. it tells me i do not have permission, even though i am the computer's Administrator"
Can anyone help us with this? I am the only user on my computer, I am completely sure I am administrator, all my other powers work and still work fine, this is a private computer, and I have never had any problems like this before on this PC. PLEASE REPLY! Thank you! ^.^
I was having the same problem In windows 8.1
DeleteFirst, Click Windows key + "S"
Then serch for notepad
Right click and run as an administrator.
Click yes is UAC asks for administrator permissions.
Click file open Then navigate to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\Hosts
No results will show up... then look at the bottem right of the window and clcik the tab that says "Text Documents (*.txt) then select "All files" then you should see the hosts file! Then copy and paste the following hosts as the post explained!
Hope this helped!!!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately this is what I see.
‣潃祰楲桧⁴挨 㤱㌹㈭〰‹楍牣獯景⁴潃灲മ⌊‣桔獩椠慳灭敬䠠协協映汩獵摥戠⁹楍牣獯景⁴䍔⽐偉映牯圠湩潤獷മ⌊‣桔獩映汩潣瑮楡獮琠敨洠灡楰杮景䤠⁐摡牤獥敳潴栠獯⁴慮敭䔠捡൨⌊攠瑮祲猠潨汵敢欠灥⁴湯愠湩楤楶畤污氠湩吠敨䤠⁐摡牤獥桳畯摬‣敢瀠慬散湩琠敨映物瑳挠汯浵潦汬睯摥戠⁹桴潣牲獥潰摮湩潨瑳渠浡‣桔偉愠摤敲獳愠摮琠敨栠獯⁴慮敭猠潨汵敢猠灥牡瑡摥戠⁹瑡氠慥瑳漠敮‣灳捡ണ⌊䄠摤瑩潩慮汬ⱹ挠浯敭瑮猨捵獡琠敨敳 慭⁹敢椠獮牥整湯椠摮癩摩慵൬⌊氠湩獥漠潦汬睯湩桴慭档湩慮敭搠湥瑯摥戠⁹⌧‧祳扭汯മ⌊‣潆硥浡汰㩥ണ⌊†††〱⸲㐵㤮⸴㜹††爠楨潮愮浣潣††††⌠猠畯捲敳癲牥‣†††㠳㈮⸵㌶ㄮ‰††捡敭挮浯†††††††‣⁸汣敩瑮栠獯൴⌊氠捯污潨瑳渠浡敲潳畬楴湯椠慨摮敬楷桴湩䐠华椠獴汥ण㈱⸷⸰⸰‱†††潬慣桬獯൴⌊㨉ㄺ††††††氠捯污潨瑳〲⸵㤱⸹㐴ㄮ㘵爠来獩整楲浤挮浯〲⸵㤱⸹㐴ㄮ‶敲楧瑳牥摩潣൭ㄊ㜲〮〮ㄮ眠睷椮瑮牥敮摴睯汮慯浤湡条牥挮浯
I was wondering if this would work if I do it on 29th trial day ..rather than waiting for the trial days to end.
ReplyDeleteThis still works...tons of thanks :)))))))))))))))))))))
ReplyDeleteGuys I dont get the 3rd step can you please explain it?
ReplyDeletehow does this work on a mac?
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